Best Amazon Repricer 2023/2024 to Boost Your Sales

Best Amazon Repricer 2023-2024
In the dynamic e-commerce industry, staying ahead of the competition is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity. Amazon, the global giant of online marketplaces, poses a unique challenge for sellers to navigate a sea of millions of products and secure a preferred place in the Buy Box.

In the dynamic e-commerce industry, staying ahead of the competition is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity. Amazon, the global giant of online marketplaces, poses a unique challenge for sellers to navigate a sea of millions of products and secure a preferred place in the Buy Box. To cope with the extreme competition and effectively sell products on Amazon, sellers turn to automatic repricing tools, which make sales much easier and allow them to stay on top of the competition. 

First, let’s see what repricing is and why it is essential.

What is an Amazon Repricer Tool?

The item price is the key product attribute that determines sales and profit. Amazon is well aware of that, making pricing a key part of its Amazon Featured Offer (formerly Buy Box) algorithm. According to Insider, Amazon changes the prices of its products approximately 2.5 million times a day. However, sellers can overcome this challenge by using repricing software.

Amazon Repricer tool is an automated business pricing software that dynamically updates the prices of your products on Amazon based on market changes and predefined policies. It ensures that you stay competitive and have a better chance of winning Amazon Featured Offer (Buy Box).

This tool takes a dynamic approach, constantly updating prices in real time to reflect changes on Amazon. Why is it so crucial for sellers? Its main goal is to help sellers survive and succeed in a competitive market by improving visibility and optimizing sales opportunities.

Key Features of Amazon Repricers 

Key Features of 
Amazon Repricers

Real-Time Repricing Capabilities: Amazon sellers constantly monitor the prices of products and their competitors in real time. When the market changes, such as when a competitor lowers their cost, the repricer quickly adjusts the seller’s prices accordingly.

Customization Options: Sellers can define and customize repricing policies based on various options, such as specific competitors, product terms, or sales velocity. This level of customization allows sellers to align their repricing strategy with their business goals.

Competitive Pricing Strategies: Sellers can use different pricing strategies, such as always pricing lower than a specific competitor, being the lowest bidder, or pricing within a certain percentage range of the lowest price. These strategies help sellers stay competitive and improve their chances of winning a Featured Offer (Buy Box).

Compliance With Amazon Policies: Repricers must follow Amazon policies and guidelines to ensure that price changes are made following the platform’s rules and regulations.

User-Friendly Interface: A usable interface directly affects the efficiency and simplicity of revaluation. Sellers can set up and manage repricing rules without significant technical knowledge.

Analytics Tools Integration: Repricers often integrate with analytics tools that directly help merchants see how pricing changes affect their sales. Sellers can track conversion rates, profit margins, and total sales metrics.

Interactive analytics in one place makes repricing much easier and more effective. Try M2E Amazon Repricer’s interactive Dashboard, and you won’t need to go through numerous detailed charts to determine the success of your repricing strategy. The analytics provide enough data to track and compare repricing results in real-time, view competition, and make data-driven business decisions.

Amazon Repricer Dashbord

Best Amazon Repricing Tools

M2E Amazon Repricer
Aura Repricer
Seller Snap

M2E Amazon Repricer

M2E Amazon Repricer is an automated and convenient repricing application for B2C and B2B businesses that has been on the market for nearly a decade. The service allows you to manage product settings automatically in real time, instantly import and export Amazon item data, and reprice your Magento products to give them an advantage in the Featured Offer (Buy Box) race and maintain competitive prices on Amazon. There is a 30-day free trial available and several subscription options.

Key Features:

  • Quick & Effortless Setup: You don’t need much time to start using the service — only basic settings so that you can start increasing sales within 10 minutes after registration.
  • Innovative Featured Offer Winner Strategy: M2E Amazon Repricer offers an improved special strategy to help sellers become Featured Offer (Buy Box) winners and increase their profits while holding it. 
  • Customizable Repricing Rules: Set up repricing strategies based on various parameters.
  • Easy Import/Export of Inventory: Seamlessly add new Amazon items to the service and edit existing ones using CSV files with all product data in a few clicks.
  • Five-star Support Team: A proactive and professional support team is always on hand to help resolve complex issues.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Supports all Amazon marketplaces.

M2E Pro and M2E Cloud customers can enjoy the benefits of M2E Amazon Repricer for free.

Known for its versatility, offers AI-powered repricing strategies, flexible rules, and the ability to reprice based on stock levels. It supports 21 Amazon marketplaces. Prices start at $85/month for 3,000 listings and go up to $1249/month for 1 million listings.

Key Features:

  • Quick Setup: Easy onboarding process for rapid implementation.
  • Automated Repricing: Set rules and let the tool automate repricing to keep your prices competitive.
  • Competitor Tracking: Monitor competitor prices and adjust your prices accordingly in real-time.
  • Velocity Repricing: The ability to quickly change prices based on inventory levels.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Supports 21 Amazon marketplaces.

However, some advanced features may be limited. has been in the market for over 15 years and is known for its AI-powered repricing strategies. It supports 15 Amazon marketplaces and Walmart Marketplace. It’s renowned for increasing Buy Box ownership by 63% in the first two weeks of use. Pricing starts at $99/month, with a 14-day free trial available.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Repricing Strategies: The platform offers convenient repricing algorithms based on artificial intelligence.
  • Customized Repricing Strategy: It is possible to use unique strategic options, for example, how you want the price to be changed when Buy Box is turned off, when your product is out of stock, when there is no competition, etc.
  • Flexible Repricing Rules: The seller can compete with sellers with certain ratings or strategies.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Supports 15 Amazon marketplaces.
  • Competitor Analysis: Deep analysis of competitors’ prices to build your pricing strategy.

However, prices may be higher for smaller sellers.


Aura offers AI and machine learning-based repricing strategies, focusing on FBA sellers. It allows for custom strategy building and tracks key sales metrics. Prices start at $97/month with a 14-day free trial.

Key Features:

  • AI-based Repricing: The platform uses artificial intelligence to make accurate revaluation decisions in real-time.
  • Hyperdrive Feature: Hyperdrive quickly updates prices for your top 50 Amazon listings in under 10 seconds.
  • Mobile Support: Aura’s repricing software offers a user-friendly mobile app, allowing sellers to stay competitive wherever they are. 
  • Advanced Real-Time Statistics: Aura provides live updates on competitors’ offers across all your listings, which is an important tool for improving your pricing strategy.

However, it may not be suitable for sellers with smaller inventories.

Seller Snap

Utilizing Game Theory, Seller Snap aims for shared Buy Box ownership at higher price points rather than dominating the Buy Box at lower prices. Its prices start at $250/month with a 15-day free trial.

Key Features:

  • “Game Theory” Algorithm: The platform does not use artificial intelligence, machine learning, or rule-based strategies to review listings like most other Repricers but game theory to update listings.
  • Customized Repricing Strategy: The platform allows sellers to combine revaluation with AI algorithms and customizable conditions to achieve specific business goals.
  • Support for Related ASINs: Automatically adjust the price according to price changes on similar ASINs. This is useful for changing prices for bundled products or private labels.
  • Advanced Business Analytics: The platform offers powerful analytics to manage your Amazon store successfully.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Supports 18 Amazon marketplaces.

However, prices can be significantly higher.


BQool is one of the pioneers of Amazon’s third-party solution supplier. It offers budget-friendly plans with AI and machine learning-based repricing strategies. Plans start at $25/month and allow for scheduled repricing. 

Key Features:

  • Rule-Based Repricing: Set rules based on your strategy and let the tool automate repricing.
  • Conditional Repricer: The AI model is built on billions of data points and uses the ability to learn about the competitive environment of a particular ASIN to accurately predict future price changes, leading to increased sales and profits.
  • Liquidation Feature: This option allows you to reduce prices so low that products are sold out by a certain date, for example, to avoid long-term storage fees.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Available for Amazon US, CA, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES, JP, MX.

Compared to most other repricing services, it offers relatively cheap subscription plans but has limited functionality for those sellers who want to prioritize their budget.


Feedvisor is an enterprise-level service designed for large sellers, offering AI-powered strategies and advanced reporting. It’s tailored for serious sellers aiming to boost their sales with a 14-day free trial.

Key Features:

  • Algorithmic Repricing: AI-driven repricing for strategic decision-making.
  • Advanced Business Analytics: Utilizes predictive analytics to forecast market trends and adjust prices accordingly.
  • AI-Based Advertising: Sponsored Ads and DSP campaign management.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Available for Amazon US, CA, UK, DE, FR.

However, prices may be more expensive.


Now merged with, Repricer Express offers AI-powered strategies for Amazon and eBay sellers. It’s known for its flexibility and continuous automated repricing. Plans start at around £64/month, with a 14-day free trial available.

Key Features:

  • Real-time Repricing: Constantly monitors and adjusts prices in real-time to stay competitive.
  • Bulk Edit: Enable/disable repricing, change rules, and update minimum/maximum values in bulk.
  • Bulk Import/Export: It is possible to modify your product lists in bulk using CSV files.
  • Import/Export Options: The seller can view the latest exports and imports, as well as reupload files.
  • Marketplace Сoverage: Supports 8 Amazon marketplaces.

However, advanced functions may be limited compared to some competitors.

Takeaway: Each of these tools offers unique features and pricing plans, so it’s essential to consider your specific needs and budget when making a decision.

Business Benefits of Amazon Repricing Software

  • Featured Offer (Buy Box) Winner: A competitive price is one key aspect of winning the Featured Offer. Repricing software ensures that your products remain competitive and visible to buyers, increasing the likelihood of winning the Featured Offer. Products shown in the Featured Offer usually have a higher conversion rate, which leads to more sales for your business.
  • Optimizing Profit Margins: Repricing tools allow sellers to implement dynamic pricing strategies based on market conditions, competitors’ prices, and other factors. It helps to increase profits while remaining competitive.
  • Time and Resource Savings: Manual repricing is time-consuming and prone to mistakes. Repricing software automates the process, saving time and allowing sellers to focus on other essential aspects of their business.
  • Adaptability to Market Changes: Repricing tools track competitors’ prices and ensure that your pricing policies are flexible. Sellers can implement repricing rules based on seasonal demand changes, helping optimize prices during peak periods.
Benefits of Amazon Repricing Software

Technological developments, changes in consumer behavior, and the growing competitive e-commerce environment will likely drive future prospects in Amazon’s repricing tools.

These are some of the main trends that can come up in the coming years:

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: Repricing tools will increasingly leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze huge amounts of data more efficiently. It will allow the implementation of sophisticated pricing strategies that can adapt in real time to market changes, competitor pricing, and consumer demand patterns.
  1. Increased Personalization: Future repricing tools may offer more personalized pricing strategies tailored to individual business goals, inventory levels, and profit margins. This customization will help sellers optimize their pricing based on their unique circumstances rather than relying on one-size-fits-all strategies.
  1. Dynamic Pricing Models: Shift to more dynamic and flexible pricing models that can adjust prices several times a day. This approach will allow sellers to remain competitive and respond to current market conditions, such as sales or unexpected demand changes.
  1. Wider Integration with Other Tools: Repricing tools will integrate more with other e-commerce management systems, including inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), and analytics platforms. It will provide a more comprehensive view of the business, enabling coordinated decision-making across different aspects of digital commerce.
  1. Predictive Analytics: Using predictive analytics in repricing tools will become more widespread, allowing sellers to predict future market trends, demand cycles, and competitors’ pricing strategies. Such foresight will enable proactive adjustments to pricing strategies, helping sellers benefit from opportunities and mitigate risks.
  1. Blockchain Technology: Blockchain can increase transparency and trust in repricing strategies. By recording transactions in a secure, permanent ledger, blockchain technology can help ensure that pricing strategies are fair and comply with market rules and regulations.
  1. Ethical and Regulatory Considerations: With the growing use of AI in pricing, there will be increased attention to ethical considerations and regulatory compliance. It could lead to the development of guidelines and standards for the responsible use of AI in pricing, with a focus on fairness, transparency, and consumer protection. 
Future Trends in Amazon Repricing Tools

These trends suggest that future pricing and repricing tools on Amazon will be characterized by greater sophistication, personalization, AI involvement, and broader integration with management systems. Sellers who effectively integrate these tools into their workflows will have a better chance of optimizing their pricing strategies, staying competitive, and meeting the ever-changing expectations of online shoppers.


Amazon’s repricing tools are not just pricing software; they are a strategic partner that enables sellers to navigate the complexities of the Amazon marketplace accurately and efficiently. With automation, quick setups, and real-time repricing options, sellers can increase their competitiveness, improve their chances of winning a Featured Offer (Buy Box), and ultimately increase their sales on the platform.

Evaluate your business needs, check out Amazon repricers free trials where available, and embark on a journey to increase sales and competitiveness in 2024.

Best Amazon Repricers 2023-2024
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