Issue Tracking, Enhanced Amazon Order Refund & eBay Promotion Controls: August 2024 M2E Updates

Issue Tracking, Enhanced Amazon Order Refund & eBay Promotion Controls: August 2024 M2E Updates

We’re excited to share the latest updates released in August 2024, designed to simplify the management of your Channel products. Here’s a quick look at what’s new in M2E Pro and M2E Connect.

What's new in M2E Pro and M2E Connect in August 2024

M2E Pro Updates

Improved Management of eBay Promotions

Earlier this year, we introduced a feature that allows you to apply eBay promotions to your listings within M2E Pro. Now, we’ve taken this a step further.

Initially, M2E Pro allowed you to see the ‘On Promotion’ label only if the promotions were added to products through the extension. With this update, M2E Pro also recognizes products that you’ve added to promotions directly on eBay. Now, you can see which items in your M2E Pro Listings are being promoted, giving you more control and clarity over your promotional efforts.

Improved Management of eBay Promotions in M2E Pro

Have you started using eBay promotions to drive more sales? Check out our guide on how to apply them to your Adobe Commerce (Magento) products via M2E Pro.

Enhanced Partial Amazon Order Refunds

We’ve improved how partial refunds are handled for Amazon orders. M2E Pro now tracks changes in the order total more accurately. For example, if you include an Adjustment Refund or an Adjustment Fee in the Credit Memo or change the shipping cost, M2E Pro will ensure the correct amount is refunded.


Let’s say you need to refund an order with a subtotal of $20, and you also want to refund $5 for shipping. If you add an Adjustment Fee of $5, the grand total refunded will be $20 instead of $25 (since the Adjustment Fee value subtracts from the total refund amount). 

If the Adjustment Fee isn’t specified but the Adjustment Refund is $5, the Grand Total refunded will be $30.

M2E Pro ensures that only the correct amount is refunded, taking into account any fees or adjustments.

M2E Connect Updates

Better Management of Listing Products with Errors

Managing your TikTok Shop, Kaufland, and OTTO listings is easier than ever with the latest update to M2E Connect. We’ve introduced a new ‘Items by Issue’ tab in the M2E Listing grid (Listings > Items). This feature gives you a clear and organized view of any errors that may occur while managing your products.

The ‘Items by Issue’ tab allows you to quickly identify products that have encountered issues. The grid format clearly explains the problem and how many products are affected.

Manage Listing products with errors in M2E Connect

Click on the number in the ‘Affected Items’ column to access a detailed list of items filtered by the specific error. 

This improvement ensures you have full control over your listings so you can easily spot which products need immediate attention.

Notifications About New Version Releases

We’re making it easier for you to stay up-to-date with the latest versions of your M2E Connect extensions. From now on, you’ll receive a notification whenever there’s a new version available for your TikTok Shop, Kaufland, or OTTO Connect extension on the Adobe Commerce marketplace. 

Once a new version is released, make sure to upgrade your extension to get the latest features and improvements.

What’s Next: Coming Soon to M2E Pro & M2E Connect

Walmart Product Types

M2E Pro will soon be compatible with the new Walmart Item Spec 5.0. According to the update, listings will be managed by Product Type rather than at the category level, as it was before. Sellers will have to specify the correct Product Type and attributes for their items. 

With this change, Walmart aims to improve listing quality. Updated attributes will help your products become easily found through search, filtering, and other methods. Better visibility means more traffic to your listings and more customers. 

Listing Variational Products on Kaufland and OTTO

M2E Connect will allow you to create listings with variations on Kaufland & OTTO marketplaces and showcase the full range of options available for your items. By offering multiple variations, you will not only enhance the shopping experience for your customers but also attract a broader audience.

Remember to upgrade to the latest M2E Pro or Connect versions to access these new features. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in the future!

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