How to Sell Restricted Products on Amazon? M2E Pro Guide 2024

How to Sell Restricted Products on Amazon. M2E Pro Guide 2024

Before starting a business on Amazon, sellers often wonder which products are best for sale. Don’t be surprised if you get the notification “You need approval to list in this brand” while listing products. Your product appears to have been identified under one of Amazon Restricted Categories. In this way, the e-commerce giant proactively protects its shoppers from fraudulent or harmful products and ensures they have a great shopping experience. 

Although selling restricted goods involves additional efforts, you can still sell in one of Amazon gated categories. In this article, we’ll review what belongs to restricted categories and how to sell them on Amazon.

What Can I Sell on Amazon Without Approval?

Amazon has strict regulations on the types of items that you can list without advance consent. These categories typically include everyday items and common consumer goods. For starters, sellers can offer products in categories such as books, electronics, home and garden, and others without additional approvals. However, several categories remain restricted.

Types of Restrictions on Amazon

Amazon uses different types of restrictions to guarantee that products sold on their platform fulfill their guidelines. Understanding these restrictions is essential for businesses to sell on the platform profitably. 

Here are the main types of restrictions on Amazon:

Amazon Restricted Categories and Products

Amazon has specific categories and products that are restricted or gated, meaning sellers need approval to list items in these categories. Since Amazon’s policies for gated categories vary, Amazon does not have a unified set of determining criteria for whether you can list in a particular category without providing additional information for approval. The approval process can include paying extra fees and any other actions that Amazon considers necessary.

Here is a list of Amazon Restricted Categories in 2024:

For example, if you plan to sell products in the “Beauty and Personal Care” category, consider the following aspects:
1. Ingredient Listing: Sellers must get a complete ingredient list for beauty products, and these ingredients must comply with the standards specified in the marketplace’s country.
2. Authenticity: Due to the high incidence of counterfeit products in the beauty category, sellers may need to provide additional proof of authenticity, such as invoices or authorization letters from the brand owner.
3. Packaging and Labeling: Beauty products must meet special requirements for packaging and labeling, covering listing ingredients, usage instructions, and safety warnings in the marketplace language.
4. Previous Approval: Sellers often need pre-approval from Amazon before being able to list products in this category. It can include providing specific information about the product (ingredients, manufacturing processes, and compliance with safety standards).
5. Safety Documentation: Amazon can request safety documentation, such as Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), for items that consist of chemicals or other potentially hazardous materials.
6. Regulatory Compliance: Products must fulfill relevant local and international regulations, such as those set by the FDA in the US. It can include regulations on labeling, packaging, and permitted ingredients.

Gated categories on Amazon represent significant opportunities for sellers to stand out in certain niches. However, getting a sales permit in a particular category can be challenging and does not guarantee that you can sell any product in that category. Certain sub-categories and items can still be limited, and you will need additional permission to sell them.

Note: Within non-gated categories, specific sub-categories may have additional restrictions due to stricter rules.

Recently, Amazon announced that it no longer restricts whole categories, as it used to. Instead, it only applies restrictions to certain subcategories and subheadings. Therefore, the list of restricted categories is relatively short compared to the extended list of restricted products.

Note: Restricted categories are not the same as restricted products.

An Amazon Restricted Product is a product that Amazon generally does not allow sellers to list or requires sellers to apply for sales approval. That’s how Amazon cares about the safety of its customers.

Restricted products may include goods subject to legal restrictions in certain regions, such as alcohol or gambling. It also applies to goods subject to safety requirements, such as automotive parts or food. The sale of illegal and hazardous products, such as firearms and illicit drugs, is strongly prohibited.

A product may belong to a gated category, but it doesn’t mean the product itself is gated. So, you can include specific products in alternative categories and sell them successfully on Amazon.

Brand Restrictions

Amazon imposes restrictions on brands on its platform. These restrictions protect the intellectual property and brand identity of specified products. Amazon’s policies can change, so sellers should always refer to the most current guidelines on the Amazon Seller Central website or ask Amazon Seller Support for the most up-to-date information. 

Among the gated brands are Adidas, Apple, Chanel, Disney, Gucci, Ikea, Nike, LEGO, etc. You can’t sell these brands without prior approval, and it’s not something you can quickly get. Such brands are completely restricted for any seller who places them on Amazon, except for the brand owner or Amazon itself. It proves that sellers follow high standards, and customers can be sure they buy quality goods on Amazon.

Brand restrictions on Amazon are implemented to protect the brand owner’s intellectual property rights and to preserve the product authenticity of the goods on the platform. Here are the main reasons that can cause a brand to be restricted on Amazon:

FBA Restrictions

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a fulfillment service that enables sellers to keep their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and Amazon takes care of packaging, shipping, and customer service.

If you’re selling with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), be extra careful with the products you ship to its fulfillment centers. Hazardous items that arrive at Amazon’s warehouses may be subject to disposal without reimbursement. As an FBA member, you must ensure you do not violate the product restrictions related to FBA.

Among these items:

— Products containing hazardous materials or substances, such as flammable or pressurized items, are generally forbidden for FBA. As well as batteries, aerosols, and chemicals.

— Explosives, firearms, and other weapons. It includes ammunition, gunpowder, and other explosive materials. 

— Illegal products prohibited by law or violate Amazon’s policies are restricted for FBA. It includes counterfeit products, illegal drugs, and products subject to recalls. 

— Perishable goods.

Selling in Restricted Categories

Selling in restricted categories on Amazon requires careful planning, adherence to Amazon’s policies, and often obtaining specific approvals. The process is quite simple for restricted products you can legally sell and require prior permission from Amazon.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell in restricted categories:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account, click the ”Catalog” tab, and select ”Add Products” from the dropdown.
  1. Search for the item you want to sell.
  1. Click on ”Show limitations”. 
  1. If this product is showing as restricted, click the ”Apply to sell” button to start the application.

Understanding the complexities of Amazon’s policies and using e-commerce tools like M2E Pro can make the process easier for sellers looking to offer products in restricted categories or those that require special approval on Amazon.

With M2E Pro’s Magento Amazon extension, you get access to smooth listing management. Using the automated product search on Amazon, you can simply find the proper ASIN/ISBN and assign it to your offer. M2E Pro helps you create a new ASIN/ISBN on Amazon if your products have not yet been sold. If you are selling a new product that does not yet exist in the Amazon catalog, the extension allows you to define the required Amazon Product Type and attributes to help customers find the product easily and increase the chances of selling.


In summary, selling restricted products on Amazon is profitable but challenging. Sellers should be strategic and have a deep knowledge of Amazon’s policies. But your persistence will be rewarded, and you can take leading positions in certain product categories.

Whether you sell on the restricted categories or explore the unlimited ones, staying informed and using the right tools like Amazon Seller Central updates or recommendations is crucial to a successful e-commerce business, the world’s biggest online marketplace.

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